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Open letter to António Guterres

Secretary-General United Nations 

".......................The concerns, fears and worries that we have is as a result of the political instability and civil unrest that is going on since 2018 in Ethiopia. For instance, the crimes that are being committed routinely and repeatedly in many parts of Ethiopia, principally pointed at the Amhara ethnic group. Amhara and Orthodox Christians are being intentionally selected and singled out for persecution. Amhara university students are being forced to be offloaded from public transports, detained, persecuted, abducted, tortured and chased out of many schools in the Oromia region; Amhara are being brutally attacked and terrorized from certain areas which are controlled by extremist Oromo groups in Harar, Bale and Arsi. The extremist elements principally target both the Orthodox Church and the Amhara ethnic group._____________________________________________________________________"

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