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FTH Ethiopia is a non-profit organization committed to advocating for human rights, particularly for powerless Ethiopians of Ethnic Amhara and Afar descent. Our focus is on addressing the challenges faced under the policies of the Abiy Ahmed government and the strategies and manifestos of TPLF/OLF terrorist organizations, which include alarming calls for Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide against the Amhara and Afar ethnic groups in Ethiopia. Headquartered in Washington State, we want to emphasize that, while we work tirelessly towards our mission, we do not actively seek donations.


ፍትሕ ኢትዮጲያ በዓለም ዙሪያ አቅም የሌላቸውን ኢትዮጵያውያንን በመወከል የሚታገሉ የሰብአዊ መብት ድጎማ ድርጅት ነው ፡፡ እኛ የምንሠራው በዋሽንግተን ግዛት ነው ፣ የገንዘብ እርዳታ አንጠይቅም አንቀበልም።

Our Mission

FTH Ethiopia's primary mission is to combat terrorism, put an end to all forms of ethnic cleansing directed at the Amhara and other Ethiopians, and seek justice for victims of genocide and ethnic cleansing perpetrated by the Abiy Ahmed government, Oromia Regional Government, and its military wing Shanee OLF/TPLF. We aim to achieve this goal by adhering to the principles outlined in the UN Charter and US Criminal law.

የፍትሕ ኢትዮጲያ  : የመጀመሪያ ተልእኮ ሽብርተኝነትን መዋጋት ፣ በአማራ ህዝብ ላይ ሁሉንም የጎሳ ማፅዳት ማስቆም እና በተፈጸመው የዘር ማጥፋት እና የዘር ማጽዳት ወንጀል ሰለባዎች ፍትህ  በ ዩን ቻርተር ና በአሜሪካ የኢሰባዊ የወንጀለኛ የሕግ አንቀጽ መፈለግ  ነው ፡፡

                                                      Our Goals:

Advocate for the accountability of organizations, groups, and individuals associated with the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), and the Ethiopian government, encompassing Oromia Regional Government officials and its paramilitary group, Shanee Queerroo—a domestic terrorist organization accountable for crimes, genocide, and acts of terror against Amhara Ethnic Ethiopians in the Oromia Region.

  • Call for the revelation and prosecution of countries involved in various forms of crime and genocide against humanity, including those supporting and financing terrorist groups.

  • Emphasize the need to expose Ethiopian government officials, Oromia Region Gov. officials TPLF /OLF leaders, and active members to the International Criminal Court (ICC), whether directly or indirectly implicated, for their involvement in genocide and crimes against Amhara and other specific groups or individuals in Ethiopia.

  • Demand justice at the International Criminal Court (ICC) for alleged genocide committed against the Amhara by Abiy Ahmed and the Oromia Regional Government.


An Organization That Fights for Human Rights

in Ethiopia ,for All powerless Ethiopians !

We Need You

በማንኛውም ቡድን ፣ በህወሓት ፣ በኦነግ ፣ በአልሸባብ ና በቄሮ ፣ ወይም በማንኛውም ሀገር የተፈፀመ / የታሰበ ወንጀል ፣ የቪዲዮ ፣ የፎቶግራፎች ፣የድምፅ ሪከርድ ፣ እና የዜና መረጃ ሁሉ በኢሜይል ይላኩልን ። --------

እናመሰግናለን !


 Phone: 425 480-8843


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